Friday, August 13, 2010

On Hold

Switching to Wordpress.... please stay tuned.... thanks!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ode to Coffee Shops

I spend a lot of money on coffee. I'm not going to deny it. I could write poems about coffee, lengthy odes declaring my love. I only drink it once or twice a day, which is minimal in some people's books, but I still feel like it's something I need to get under control. I'm ready to tackle this.

Coffee is my Guilty Pleasure #1 because:

1. It's energizing. But the jolt of energy is superficial.

2. It tastes oh-so-delicious. But occasionally I opt for gas-station coffee, which is not so delicious.

3. It's cheap. But what seems to be a tiny luxury adds up fast. I probably spend $1500/year on coffee.

2. It's convenient. I'm surrounded by coffee shops so it's a quick stop on my way to work. But, I'm often late from having to stand in line.

4. Coffee shops have a lovely atmosphere that is comforting and the entire experience puts me in a great mood. But, if I don't get my morning coffee, I'm in a horrible mood. And, I get horrible headaches. Addiction? I think yes.

5. It's a great social excursion. Hey, let's go for coffee! But... hm... well, I think this one is ok.

So, what's a girl to do? I'm going shopping! Does this defeat the whole purpose? Hopefully not - I'll be sure to assess before buying anything.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Overview? I'm Over It.

I'd like to start with a little overview of why I'm here and what I'm going to be doing. First, here is a list of things I am NOT GOING TO DO:

1. I do not want to keep track of my spending.
I have tried to keep track of my spending a number of times, but I've never even made it through the first week. It seems it should be effective, but it's not for me. Besides, I think if we honestly look at ourselves, we already know how all the money is disappearing. I know I spend far too much on coffee, going out for lunch, magazines, shoes, clothes and sweets.

2. I do not want to write a 5/10/15/20 year plan.
I've listed out a lot of future plans, ever since high school, when I so optimistically envisioned my hubby, 2 kids, an amazing career and annual exotic vacations. I'm now 33 and it'd be a stretch to say any of the above has come to fruition. Of course, I've rewritten the list over the years, slowly becoming more realistic (er, pessimistic). Until now. I am now embracing the unknown. After all, I believe the greatest things in my life have all been unexpected.

3. I do not want to determine a budget.
I have also tried budgets in the past, but my needs shift, some months I need larger items (hello shoes! maybe a vacation?) and other times I can do with very little. How could anyone possibly work with same budget for March as for December?


So what's left? Thankfully, lots!

• I want to delve into my guilty pleasures, figure out why I spend money on things I don't need, and come up with solid alternatives that I'm excited about.

• I want to make some crazy awesome dishes from whatever's in the fridge. I'd also like to explore how to use leftovers in unique ways.

• I want to explore how saving money is also good for the environment, health, home, relationships, intelligence, creativity...

• I want to design forms and templates to better organize the paper clutter.

• I want to delve into some diy.

• I want to explore career options, and the possibility of selling stuff.

• I want to shop super smart.

• I want to see where this goes! I expect many more ideas will follow.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Alo Alo

First an introduction. My name is J. Just J, mostly 'cause I'm blogging about sins and secrets in my closet of finances and would much rather remain both nameless and faceless. However, I will say that I'm a graphic designer, living on the west coast, female, a tad shy, loves long walks on the beach...

I have dabbled in blogging before, but never with such a specific purpose. This time around it's all about money money money. At first I was hesitant because the internet is already so full of financial tips n' tricks that are far more savvy than my capabilities. But, this is my journey. I am not an expert. I will document all my attempts to make money, save money, and understand money, no matter how juvenile. Hopefully I'll accomplish a ton of tasks, have some fun with it, and maybe I'll even stumble into a few lightbulb moments along the way.

My strategy is to blog on a daily basis. I've got a list of topics that I'm stoked to tackle. I'm really looking forward to this and I welcome anyone to join me! After all, I need all the support I can get!